Things About.

Any thing in our life is some distinct aspect, quality, idea or usually entity. Often in a burst, I get excited about something tangible like some product that I’ll use every day or some activity that I’ll do often enough. On the other hand, it’s not a stretch for me to be enthusiastic about something intangible like a personal value or principle. So, these are some things about me …

A few things I’ve done lately …

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Built a Scooter/Skate Ramp

I recently took on a project to build a pair of wooden/steel ramps and mini-quarter pipe. I adapted the design of the pipe from a great instructional post and template. I’m really pleased with the result and it’s been fun watching my boys and kids on the street take on some risk with the jumps.


Rode The Hydrocut Trails

I recently got out to the well-maintained and charted Hydrocut trail system that we’re lucky enough to have in our backyard here in Waterloo. Access is free to the public year round and open when conditions are dry. The varied trails and features are a great workout for riders of all levels.


Boxed in a Charity Match

Last year I committed myself to train for and participate in inaugural Champions for Charity. It was hard work, great to get in the best shape of my life and compete in front of friends and family in what was a real boxing experience. And for the record, I had no prior experience and conquered any fear to climb into the ring!


Coached Waterloo Wolves

Before the grinding halt brought to all of recreational sport thanks to COVID, I was fortunate to coach a major novice team for the Waterloo Wolves. It was great to get a full season in and see the boys progress and really pull together and compete and have fun as a team out there in the game we all love so much!

Things I’ve learned in life …

  1. Choose to do the right thing. Chances are that your kids or someone else you care about is watching.

  2. Say “thank you” often. It’s more than conveying appreciation as a habit, it’s saying you don’t take people for granted.

  3. Don’t always be on the sideline. Pick something you’re good at and use it to get actively involved in your neighbourhood, at your work or with your child’s sports team.

  4. Apply compounding interest. Invest early so that your money earns interest not only on your principal, but on your interest so that your money grows while doing nothing.

  5. Learning is a means not an end. Learning is most beneficial as a mindset opposed to a milestone like a cert, grade, etc. and those who act on it, fair better in the long-run.

  6. People need trust and it’s hardly earned and easily lost. It is built on telling the truth, not telling others what you think they want to hear.

Things I’ll Give …

I see how time is the one thing you can’t buy or get back. It is such an important element of our lives and I often think about how to make the most of it without overdoing it. To give of your time to a greater cause than yourself or to someone that needs support has its intrinsic rewards. From coaching, mentoring to organizing something in the community, it feels great for me to give when I can and without expecting anything in return.

I’m a registered blood donor with Canadian Blood Services. In case you weren't already aware, donating blood only takes about an hour and it is always needed. Blood products are a critical part of everyday medical care including major surgeries, medical procedures, cancer treatments and managing diseases and disorders.

I’m willing to give advice if asked, if I understand the problem and only if I feel I have something valuable to offer. And, knowing that what I say could be used to influence someone’s decision, I’m careful. We all too often place too much faith into our own intuition.